Monday, March 10, 2008

Democrats masters at losing battles

Leave it to my Democrats to find new and novel ways to lose a presidential election.

Here's the worst: The convention this time around was delayed until August, as a showcase for the fall campaign. But we have a deadlock, so we have months left for Hillary and Obama to tear each other to shreds while McCain stands above politics as usual.

You have McCain standing up with Bush and with a preacher who hates Catholics and Jews as much as Satan, and the Dems say nothing.

Or worse than nothing. Hillary is saying she and McCain are better on foreign policy, and Obama will no doubt respond by saying we need a maverick like him or McCain.

This should be a slam duck, with Bush's ratings in the toilet and McCain promising to continue Bush's war and his economic policies, same ol' same ol. It will take some effort to screw this up.

But it looks like we Democrats will manage.

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