Wednesday, June 4, 2008

It's official: hopeful change vs. grumpy mcsame

first off, poor Hillary Clinton. The sad spectacle of failing to step aside with grace after Obama's clear win, while trying to win a spot as his vice president, just shows how desperate she is to rescue the tarnished clinton legacy.

I can only assume she's convinced she has to leverage such a bid at risk to the party and the country, because otherwise, she's not going to get it. And she shouldn't. She's an amazing woman and a tough campaigner -- but no presidential candidate would saddle themselves with a vice presidential spouse so desperate for the spotlight.

That said, the speeches last night made the race quite clear. McCain proclaims change, but he's voted with Bush 95% of the time, and he's reversed himself on the difference that counted most. He opposed the Bush tax cuts as budget busters too weighted to the rich; he was right. Now he wants to extend them.

And after three decades in Congress, during which the country built up a huge pile of debt, he can hardly portray himself as an agent of change. He's either been part of the problem or ineffectual at solving problems.

And really, he comes across as Bob Dole in 1996. He got the bid because the other GOPers lost, and he deserves it, and if you don't like it, screw you. He's too old and too tired to try to court voters.

Sure, I wish Obama had a couple more terms in Congress than he does. But if we waited for two terms under McBush, he'd also have any more problems to solve.

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