Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mr. Obama meets Mr. LieberMcCain

This is the most interesting political news I've heard since McCain kept confusing sunnis and shiites while fact-finding in Iraq. (He likely thinks Obama should visit the Big Sandbox more often so he could be confused, too.)

Seems Sen. Obama met Sen. ol' Joe Lieberman on the Senate floor the other and pulled him aside, having heard what the erstwhile independent has been running around saying about the Democratic nominees and supporting Republican 100-year-warrior McCain.

Joe, of course, is the two-faced politician who ran halfheatedly with Gore a few years back, but recently has been hanging out with GOP while caucusing with Democrats to main some sembalance of power in the Senate.

He's also endorsed McCain, raising the possibility of a Zell Miller-like diatribite again the party's candidate, since Joe seems to think opposing ill-planned wars in Iraq means you support I'm-a-dinner-jacket and a new holocaust.

Man, I would have loved to hear that talk:

Obama: Hey Joe, got a sec?

Joe: well, um, not really I have an interview planned with fox news about your.. well, I mean

Obama: Over here Joe. Now.

To which they proceed to a quiet corner while Joe -- shaking with the fear of an old white guy faced with a young black man -- fidgets nervously.

Joe: OK, no one can hear. You can yell. I know you're not happy. But understand, liberals won't give me money any more. I have to court cons.

Obama: Oh, I'm not going to yell.

Joe: Then what?

Obama: Simple. Come November, we're going to hang GW Bush's legacy from the rafters with this tragic, ill-run war. We're going to hang McCain right beside it. Watch your step or you'll be hanging up there, too.
We're taking the White House. We'll have a much bigger margin in the Senate. The GOP will have rent space if it wants a place on Capitol Hill. You get that?

Joe: Well, um, I am an independent, not a Republican.

Obama: Right. And come next year, we won't need you to hold a majority. Majority leadress Clinton may hang with you now, but she plays the power gain. When you're irrelevant, she won't even have a junior aide return your calls. Your committee seats, your caucus seats. Gone. So if you aren't careful, there's an office on the senate subway deep underground with 'independent' and your name on it.

Joe: Well then, I might just switch to the GOP, then.

Obama: Yea? You think your state's democrats will help you then? Do you think your GOP buddies will help you when they're barely hanging on.

Joe: Well um, OK.

Obama: OK what?

Joe: OK... sir.


read about it here:

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