Monday, November 3, 2008

McCain camp classless to the end

Well, we're winding to a close and on the final weekend, McCain and his supporters once again found a way to reach a new low.

There was the 529 group running ads from crazy preacher Wright -- whose 'god will judge america' rants were shameful but no different from the rants of preachers like Jim Hagee that McCain has aligned himself with.

Well, different in a couple of ways -- he's black, and the others were white, and the idea of a fat bald white preacher ranting isn't nearly as scary to voters. And Wright was saying we'd be judged for historical racism, not gays and liberalism. Wright makes us uncomfortable.

(Of course, Libby Dole's shameful ad aimed at her "godless" opponent shows the right will use this tool against white democrats, too. and that it turns off a lot of people.)

Then there was this sudden discovery by Fox News and Drudge and others that a San Francisco newspaper was 'hiding' a tape (on the world wide web, of all secret places!) that has Obama wanting to kill coal with a cap and trade plan. Fair issue, I supposed, though they and Sarah Palin don't mention that McCain supports the same.

And then there were attacks on Obama's aunt, who he barely knows, but an illegal immigrant. I guess it's only unfair to drag Palin's family into the campaign.

So it goes. It's never been clear that McCain appreciates the stuff done in his name, but that doesn't let him off the hook. Here's hoping the GOP is routed and he never lives down the shame.

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