Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Reason For the Season

So Mike "Screw this Separation of Church and State Crap" Huckabee was surprised to find that someone would criticize his campaign ad saying that the mythological Jesus Christ is the reason for the season. I'm sure he knows there are other cultures that have non-Christian mythologies that explain why they are celebrating the pagan-started Winter Solstice season. But there aren't as many of those people in the swing voting states as there are Christians. And bashing a minority group is an excellent way of shoring up support in the majority (see "illegal aliens, trotting them out when you're in political trouble" entry in Wikipedia).

Here's the problem: It's YOUR reason for the season, Mikey, not OUR reason for the season.

His world view presents Christian mythology as fact, not faith, and categorizes non-Christians as wrong. I have a real problem with a political leader who can't distinguish between faith and fact. Instead of aspiring to lead a multi-cultural country, he positions himself as the leader for the biggest voting bloc - and screw the rest of them. Well, I guess it works in some Middle East countries, it's good enough for the Midwest.

It's a coward's campaign that places personal status over the long-term good of the nation. A leader stands up for the rights of the minority in the face of the majority. A politician counts electoral votes and does whatever it takes to win 50 percent plus one - regardless of the damage it does to the nation.

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