Tuesday, December 11, 2007

When the bombs away, Bush will play

The copout defense for the war on Iraq is this: Bush and the boys really, really believed Saddam had WMDs, so it's OK they took us to war, even though they were dead wrong.

It wasn't that they had all that oil, that expats like Chalabi were going to cut us in when they took it over, or that they tried to kill W.'s daddy. It wasn't like they were determined long before Bush even took office to get 'er done, and 9.11 provided a convenient excuse.

Well, the old deja voodoo is back again.

Sure, after months of dumbeats on the march to war with Iran, the White House did smartly reveal intelligence reports that say the ayatollahs haven't worked on nuclear weapons for years. That kind of stuff can come back to bite you on the ass.

But once those reports were out of the way, Bush and the boys immediately insisted Iran was still a threat, and the right-wing echo chamber picked it up from Fox News to the Wall Street Journal edit page. The 'reform Iran' groups almost immediately jumped on the bandwagon. Like Chalabi and his folks before Iraq, they not only urge war but tell the administration it'll be easy.

The bottom line: Bush wants to invade Iran, wmds or no wmds, just as he did Iraq.

In fact, them not having nukes may just encourage him. After all, he named North Korea, Pakistan and Iraq as members of the Axis of Evil. But he invaded the one without the nukes.

In fact, if I was a wacko despot, I think I'd even now be bidding on centrifuges on eBay.

1 comment:

morbidelli17 said...

"... when you have that power, the best technique is to ignore all of that discussion, ignore it totally, and to eliminate it, by the simple device of asserting the opposite. If you assert the opposite, that eliminates mountains of evidence demonstrating that what you are saying is false. That’s what power means ..."
- Noam Chomsky